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Course Syllabus

Course: TEDM 1000

Division: Business and Applied Tech
Department: Business
Title: Introduction to Marketing

Semester Approved: Summer 2022
Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2027
End Semester: Spring 2028

Catalog Description: This Introduction to Marketing course is designed to help students become proficient in the fundamentals of marketing and best practices. The course will cover key digital marketing terms, marketing research, buyer personas, positioning, buyer behaviors, brand management, product management, and pricing. Students will learn through lectures, guest speakers, presentations, and hands-on application of the skills needed to be modern-day digital marketers.

Upon completion of this course, students will have an understanding of marketing principles and be ready to learn and practice digital marketing skills.

Semesters Offered: TBA
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 2; Lecture: 2; Lab: 0
Clock/Hour Requirements: 30

Justification: Digital Marketing is a 5-star job, and since many digital marketing jobs can be done remotely, this will open up a strong career path for Central Utah. Marketing is a basic, essential skill for digital marketers to master.

This is a required course in the new Digital Marketing and Analytics program.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will learn the fundamental marketing skills needed to pursue an education in digital marketing. This will be assessed through Quizzes and Exams

Students will learn when and how to use content marketing to maximize their return on investment. This will be assessed through Individual Assignments

Students will learn marketing key terms and definitions. This will be assessed through Quizzes and Exams

Students will learn marketing best practices and strategies. This will be assessed through Individual Assignments

Students will create a marketing plan based on marketing best practices. This will be assessed through a Group Project

Students will become proficient in marketing research, buyer personas, positioning, and brand management. This will be assessed through Individual Assignments

This course will cover:
- Marketing Research
- Market Segmentation
- Buyer Behavior
- Branding
- Marketing plans

The course is designed to foster talent in all students. Students will be encouraged to share personal experiences and a wide variety of examples will be presented to help students understand the global effect of marketing. Examples of how to market to diverse groups and markets may be included.

Key Performance Indicators:
Quizzes/Exams 10 to 40%

Individual Assignments 10 to 40%

Group Project 20 to 50%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Wilson & Rackley, Modern Marketing Principles (or similar)

Pedagogy Statement:
This course will be taught primarily as an online class. The class will also feature an optional in-person immersion during which the students will complete their group projects. Students will learn through lectures, guest speakers, presentations, and hands-on application of the skills needed to be modern-day digital marketers.

Faculty will strive to foster an environment of respect for the differences that are found in the classroom and marketing world. Students will work on a variety of formative assignments to gain confidence in their skills before performing summative assessments.

Instructional Mediums:



Maximum Class Size: 25
Optimum Class Size: 20