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Course Syllabus

Course: TEDM 1200

Division: Business and Applied Tech
Department: Business
Title: Advanced Digital Marketing

Semester Approved: Summer 2022
Five-Year Review Semester: Fall 2027
End Semester: Spring 2028

Catalog Description: This Advanced Digital Marketing course is designed to help students become proficient in Advanced Digital Marketing tactics, best practices, and strategies. The course will cover advanced marketing strategies for Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Conversion Rate Optimization, Digital Advertising, Social Media Marketing, and/or Marketing Analytics. Students will learn through lectures, presentations, and hands-on training these advanced marketing skills.

After the completion of this course, students will have increased knowledge of all digital marketing verticals helping them able to obtain an entry-level digital marketing job.

Semesters Offered: TBA
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 2; Lecture: 2; Lab: 0
Clock/Hour Requirements: 60

Prerequisites: N/A

Justification: Digital Marketing is a 5-star job, and since many digital marketing jobs can be done remotely, this will open up a strong career path for Central Utah. The skills learned in this course are essential for digital marketers to master.

This is a required course in the new Digital Marketing and Analytics program.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will learn and practice advanced marketing analytics skills needed for the jobs of today. This will be assessed through Individual Assignments and/or certification exams.

Students will research and present new digital marketing tools, skills, or best practices. This will be assessed through Individual Assignments and/or certification exams.

Students will learn how remain up-to-date in their chosen digital marketing specialty. This will be assessed through Individual Assignments and/or certification exams.

Depending on the interest of the student, the course will cover
- advanced marketing strategies for Content Marketing,
- Email Marketing,
- Search Engine Optimization,
- Conversion Rate Optimization,
- Digital Advertising,
- Social Media Marketing, and/or
- Marketing Analytics.

The course is designed to foster talent in all students. Students will be encouraged to share personal experiences and a wide variety of examples will be presented to help students consider diverse issues when developing a learning plan.

Key Performance Indicators:
To make the course more flexible, some students may only do certifications, some students may only do reports and presentations, and some may do a combination.

Certification exams 0 to 100%

Reports and presentations 0 to 100%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:

Pedagogy Statement:
Students will learn through lectures, presentations, and hands-on training these advanced marketing skills. The course is delivered through experiential learning experiences where students research advanced digital marketing skills based on their interests. The students will develop a learning plan at the beginning of the semester and will be held accountable to the instructor for that plan. The faculty mentor's role is to mentor the student, evaluate these key performance indicators, and assign a course grade.

Faculty will strive to foster an environment of respect for the differences that are found in the classroom and marketing world.

Instructional Mediums:



Maximum Class Size: 25
Optimum Class Size: 20