Snow College General Education Committee
January 31, 2012
In attendance: Mel Jacobsen, Melanie Jenkins, LaFaun Barnhurst,
Joseph Papenfuss, Patty Meredith, Tracie Bradley, Jeff Carney
(chair), Rick White (ex officio), Gary Smith (ex officio), Mike
Medley (guest)
Action on the minutes of 1.17 and 1.24.2012 was postponed.
Dr. Smith and Mike Medley discussed a draft version of proposed GE outcomes for all
AAS programs. These would replace what are currently labeled CTE Outcomes. It should
be noted that not all AAS programs are in fact housed by the CTE division. Two important
points were addressed. First, Mike wondered if outcomes should drive curriculum, or
if curriculum should determine outcomes. The sense of the committee was that curriculum
should be driven by outcomes as much as possible. Second, it was agreed that Dr. Smith
should arrange a meeting with representatives from all the AAS programs to ensure
that all stakeholders had the opportunity to comment and suggest changes. A copy of
the propposed outcomes is appended to these minutes.
The committee agreed that Jeff's revised letter to the deans regarding the assessment
of outcomes 1 and 6 was ready to be sent. Jeff said he would send it.
1. can"describe"the"scope"and"principal"features"of"his/her"field"of"study,"citing"its"core"
. can"read,"retrieve,"evaluate,"interpret,"and"deliver"information"using"a"variety"of"
3. can"speak"and"write effectively"and"respectfully"as"a"member"of"the"global"community,"
4. can"reason"quantitatively"in"a"variety"of"contexts;*
5. can"reason"analytically,"critically,"and"creatively"about"his/her"field"of"study**
6. can"address"complex"problems"by"integrating"the"knowledge"and"methodologies"of"
7. can"generate"products,"recreate"products,"or"provide"services"respective"to"his/her"
8. will"acquire"entryKlevel"skills"specific"to"and"appropriate"for"employment"in"[his/her]"
9. will"become"aware"of"industry"specific"certifications"and"develop"skills"sufficient"to"
10. will"demonstrate"safe"practices"and"awareness"of"potential"hazards"in"their"field"of"