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Brayden Nuffer

Courses Taught Spring 2025

    Courses Taught Fall 2025


      • A.S.; Snow College
      • B.S.; Biology Education, Southern Utah University
      • M.S.; Biology with an emphasis in education, Grand Canyon University


      I love science. As a child I dreamt of being a mad scientist. As I grew and continued to gain knowledge in the field of science, I learned that my true passion was in teaching the wonders of science, particularly biology. Biology is so integrated into our lives, that learning it can influence everyday choices! Which is something I love to do. I'm sure my wife loves all of my nerd-y biology facts around every meal...

      Once I learned I loved to teach, I set my sights on becoming a teacher. It was the greatest decision of my life. I love my job, and I love learning. I have also learned that I love to coach sports as well. The greatest sport is Wrestling, everyone is entitled to their opinions on this topic. But I'm really good at convincing you otherwise. You can email me and find out! Biology and wrestling have a lot of overlap which suits me just fine!

      Outside of wrestling and biology I enjoy reading science fiction, Harry Potter movies and books, and photography.