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Division: Social and Behavioral Science

Department: Physical Education

Course: PE 1440

Title: Aikido

Description: In this course students will develop skills and philosophical understanding pertaining to Aikido, a Japanese martial art that centers on ethical conflict resolution. Founded by Ueshiba Morihei, this unique self-defense system uses the force of an attack, gravity, weight distribution and momentum to unbalance and subdue an attacker. By redirecting the energy of an attack, rather than opposing the force, Aikido's techniques peacefully neutralize aggression. Aikido is an effective collection of martial techniques; however, it also incorporates philosophies involving non-aggressive spirit and harmonious daily living. This class is repeatable up to 2 times for credit.

Courses Taught Fall 2024

No courses to display for this term.

Courses Taught Spring 2025

1440-0012110MW4:30 pm-5:50 pmZollinger, Steve