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Jennifer Zollinger


Jennifer Zollinger

  • Instructional Designer
  • Phone: 435 283-7342
  • Office: Karen H. Huntsman Library Building, LIB-
  • E-mail: ude.wons@regnilloz.refinnej

Courses Taught Fall 2024

Courses Taught Spring 2025

  • MET; Boise State University (2011)
  • B.S.; Mathematics, Utah State University (2001)

I didn’t always love math, but the example of my older sister and some great teachers in middle school and high school helped me develop into a math explorer. I attended college at Utah State University and majored in computational math, and it was here that I met my husband (in a multivariable calculus class!)

In 2006 my husband and I moved our family to Mt. Pleasant for my husband’s job. During this time, I got my master’s degree in educational technology in a fully online program through Boise State University. While earning my degree I worked as a math tutor for In 2011, we moved to Ephraim when my husband started teaching full-time and I started teaching part-time at Snow College.

In 2016 I started teaching math online for BYU-Idaho along with the classes that I was still teaching at Snow, and in 2021 I started working full-time as an instructional designer for Snow College. At this time, something had to give, so I stopped teaching for BYU-Idaho, but I love teaching and still teach math classes here at Snow when I can.