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Course Syllabus

Course: MATH 1080

Division: Natural Science and Math
Department: Mathematics
Title: Pre-Calculus

Semester Approved: Fall 2022
Five-Year Review Semester: Fall 2027
End Semester: Summer 2028

Catalog Description: In this course students will study polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, relations, and applications; additional topics include sequences and series, conic sections, matrices, the binomial theorem, modeling, and graphing technology. This course prepares students for calculus.

General Education Requirements: Quantitative Literacy (MA)
Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 5; Lecture: 5; Lab: 0

Prerequisites: A grade of B or higher in Math 1010 or equivalent, an ACT math score of 25 or higher, or appropriate placement test score. Prerequisite score or class must have been completed within the last two years.

Justification: Math 1080 fulfills the Quantitative Literacy General Education requirement and is the College Algebra/Trigonometry course that prepares students for future quantitative work in their majors. It is similar to courses offered by other colleges and universities in the state. This course is also a useful semester-long review for students returning to school after an extended period of time.

General Education Outcomes:
1: A student who completes the GE curriculum has a fundamental knowledge of human cultures and the natural world. In pre-calculus, students acquire significant problem-solving skills through algebra and trigonometry. This course provides students with fundamental knowledge to apply critical-thinking to a variety of topics in human cultures and the natural world. This ability to problem-solve in the natural world will be assessed through homework, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations.

2: A student who completes the GE curriculum can read and research effectively within disciplines. In the field of mathematics, students must be able to carefully examine a given problem then determine and execute a plan for solving the problem. Often the information given is presented using symbols and variables the student must be able to read and interpret mathematically within the context of the given problem. In addition to learning new concepts, pre-calculus students are taught many new ways to express their new understanding using various mathematical symbols. This ability to read, retrieve, evaluate, interpret, and deliver mathematical information will be assessed through homework, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations.

3: A student who completes the GE curriculum can draw from multiple disciplines to address complex problems. A typical pre-calculus course provides multiple opportunities to examine math as it manifests itself in the world. By the end of the course, successful students will be proficient at using such skills. Problems to analyze potentially come from a variety of areas, such as business, human behavior, natural and social sciences, and medicine. Mastery of these skills will be assessed through homework, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations.

4: A student who completes the GE curriculum can reason analytically, critically, and creatively. The mathematical principles and methods taught in this course will help students critically approach intricate, multifaceted, real-world problems. This ability will be assessed through homework, in-class activities, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations.

6: A student who completes the GE curriculum can reason quantitatively.  The pre-calculus course consists of algebra and trigonometry, which are of themselves logical processes of solving and analyzing problems. Therefore, this course gives students an increased ability to critically approach situations which call for numerical and logical solutions. In addition, students can propose creative, new solutions. Proficiency of these skills will be assessed through homework, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations.

General Education Knowledge Area Outcomes:
1: Given graphs or equations representing real world information, students will be able to identify critical values such as zeros, intercepts, maximum and mininum values and explain what they mean in terms of the situation given. This outcome will be assessed through homework, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations. Given graphs or equations representing real world information, students will be able to identify critical values such as zeros, intercepts, maximum and mininum values and explain what they mean in terms of the situation given. This outcome will be assessed through homework, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations.

2: Convert relevant information into various mathematical forms (e.g., equations, graphs, diagrams, and tables). Students will be asked to make, recognize and write equations for graphs given. They will also be asked to identify properties of graphs given an equation or table. This outcome will be assessed through homework, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations.

3: Demonstrate the ability to successfully complete basic calculations to solve problems. Students will be given problems to complete that involve using calculations learned in previous classes and in the current course as they apply to polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric equations. The ability to solve problems using these calculations will be assessed through homework, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations.

4: Demonstrate the ability to problem solve using quantitative literacy across multiple disciplines. Make judgments and draw appropriate conclusions based on quantitative analysis of data, recognizing the limits of this analysis. Examples and applications used in this course will come from multiple disciplines such as economics, nutrition, and various areas of science. Students are asked to analyze information from these areas using techniques taught in Pre-Calculus. This outcome will be assessed through homework, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations.

5:  Students will demonstrate their ability to express quantitative evidence in support of their conclusions to questions presented in this class by showing their step-by-step calculations used to solve given problems. This outcome will be assessed through homework, exams, quizzes, student projects and/or presentations.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Demonstrate an ability to solve problems using methods resulting from theorems used in this course.
Throughout mathematics, theorems are used to understand why a process will achieve the desired outcome. Students will learn various theorems as they go through this course and will learn new methods of solving problems that result.  As students understand these theorems and the solving methods, they will be able to demonstrate their ability to solve problems using those methods on their homework, quizzes, or exams, and, at the instructor's discretion, student projects or presentations, etc.

Be familiar with many common functions as well as their graphs.
 Students will be expected to be familiar with many common functions as well as basic features of their graphs. This familiarity will be demonstrated by their ability to graph and analyze various functions (such as polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential functions, trigonometric functions, etc.). This ability to graph functions will be demonstrated on homework, quizzes, or exams, and, at the instructor's discretion, student projects or presentations, etc.

Apply mathematical knowledge to real world problems.
 As students learn new mathematical skills, they will also be given opportunities to use those skills to solve real world problems (often referred to as story problems). This ability will be assessed using homework, quizzes, or exams, and, at the instructor's discretion, student projects or presentations, etc.

Understand and use mathematics as a language to communicate.
 As students continue to learn new mathematical concepts, they will also be expected to understand and use the language of mathematics to communicate those concepts. This ability to understand and use mathematics as a language to communicate will be demonstrated and assessed via quizzes, homework, or exams, and, at the instructor's discretion, student projects or presentations, etc.

Explore and analyze mathematical concepts using technology as appropriate.
 Students will be expected to use technology (most often in the form of graphing calculators) in order to deepen understanding and mastery of mathematical concepts. This ability to explore and analyze mathematical concepts with the aid of appropriate technology will be assessed using homework, quizzes, or exams, and, at the instructor's discretion, student projects or presentations, etc.

Through lecture, class discussions, and homework this course will include:
• Linear Equations and Inequalities
• Relations (Conic Sections and Inequalities)
• General Functions
• Polynomial and Rational functions
• Exponential and Logarithmic functions
• Trigonometric functions
• Systems of Equations and Inequalities
• Matrices
• Sequences and Series
• Binomial Theorem

This content (through its history references and extensive word problems) provides many opportunities for students of all backgrounds to explore and hopefully come to value the contributions made to the maths and sciences from many cultures and through many centuries.

Key Performance Indicators:
Student learning may be evaluated using:

Homework 5 to 25%

Quizzes  0 to 20%

Midterms or Chapter Tests  20 to 70%

Attendance and/or Participation 0 to 15%

Presentations/Projects 0 to 20%

Comprehensive Final Exam 15 to 35%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Precalculus, Zill & Dewar, current edition

Pedagogy Statement:
The AAC&Us (The American Association of Colleges and Universities) high impact practices are proving to be of value to students of all backgrounds such as learning preferences, ethnicity, gender or socioeconomic levels. Based on that knowledge, teachers of this course follow recommended practices and regularly use multiple teaching/learning methods to allow students to demonstrate their learning. These include, but are not limited to, group work, discussion, lecture, online resources, group and individual presentations, manipulatives, and traditional paper and pencil homework.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 36
Optimum Class Size: 25