Snow College has installed a number of digital TV screens in various buildings within
the campus. These screens are managed through the College's Office of Creative Services
and Communications.
The purpose of of the screens are to conveniently provide timely and pertinent information
to the college student body that can help them in the daily educational, athletic,
college, student and social life, and campus activities.
It is the intention of the College Communication Council (CCC) to allow only college
information that will help the students in their everyday activities to be posted
on the screens. This includes, but is not limited to the following types of content
to be displayed:
Student Success advising information
Student Life activities
College sports events
Fine Arts events
Student Life approved club information and events
Messages from the administration
Pertinent information from college offices for the students
Snow College promotional messages
College spirit messages
College branding imagery
College news
College social media feeds
Any information that could benefit the general student population (upon approval from
the administration)
Content that is not approved for displaying on the screens include, but not limited
to, the following:
Advertising commercial or private businesses
Advertising for items to purchase by businesses or entities outside of the college
Advertising or promoting any outside organizations; political, interest groups, etc.
Any imagery that may be deemed inappropriate, hateful, offensive, etc. by this office
or the administration.
To keep the TV screens up-to-date and viewer friendly, advertisements will normally
be limited to a two week time limit before the event. Some informational content may
be displayed for longer times as neccessary.
The screens are not a public forum and the CCC reserves the right to exercise its
sole discretion as to what is displayed. No person or group has a right to display
anything on the screens.